Extra Neutral Alcohol Based spirits Blending and Bottling Plant

Project title:


Environmental Compliance Audit for the ENA-Based spirits Blending and Bottling Plant on Plots 11663 (5119-5127) Block 203 in Maganjo ‘A’ village Maganjo Parish, Nabweru Division, Wakiso District.


Project Type:

Environmental Compliance Audit



Name of Client

No. of staff provided

Dates (start/end)

Name of consortium members, if any

Premier Distilleries Limited


May 2021- August 2021


Detailed description of the project

Services Offered


Premier Distilleries Limited is an intergrated company, primarily engaged in manufacturing. It is one of the fastest and progressive manufacturing companies in Uganda dealing with the production of Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA). PDL has been operating an ENA Spirits blending and bottling plant.

The audited facilities located on plots 11663 (5119-5127) Block 203 with in Maganjo “A” village Nansana Municipality, Wakiso District.


The project was setup to achieve the following objectives;

  • Provision of sanitized and hygienic alcohol for the market.
  • Enhancement of local community lively-hoods through the creations of employment.

Gissat was contracted to conduct an Environmental Audit for Premier Distilleries Limited which aimed at;

  • Reporting of the level of compliance with conditions of the environmental authorization and the environmental and social monitoring plan and, where possible the decommission plan.
  • Reporting on the extent to which the avoidance, management and mitigation measures provided in the Environmental and Social Management Plan achieve the objectives and outcomes.
  • Identifying and accessing new risks as a result of undertaking the activity.
  • Submitting recommendations to amend the registered non conformances arising from project implementation.


Gissat conducted the audit according to systematic procedures and focused on verifying if the mitigation and monitoring measures specified in the ESMP conform to the on going and planned arrangements.


The audit considered various aspects through the environmental and potential receptors on or off the facility including;

  • Waste management
  • House keeping
  • Air quality management
  • Chemical spill management
  • Drainage management



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