Ugarose Flower Farm

Project Title:

Environmental Compliance Audit for Ugarose Flower Farm in Bwerenga Village Katabi Town Council Wakiso District

Project Type:

Environmental Compliance Audit



Name of the legal entity


Value (USD)

No. of staff provided

Name of Client

Dates (start/end)

Name of consortium members, if any

Gissat Environment Associates




Ugarose Flowers Limited

April 2017


Detailed description of project

Type of services provided, including, if applicable, the services and corresponding amounts indicated in the contract Notice’s selection criteria

Gissat Environment Associates was contracted by Ugarose Flowers Limited (UFL) to undertake an Environmental Audit for the flower farm located in Bwerenga Village, Wakiso District.  UFL is a locally incorporated company that operates a modern flower farm that produces flowers and other agro-products that are sold locally and for export.


The audit aimed at providing an overview of the health and safety and environmental performance of the flower farm.  It also examined the impacts of Ugarose flowers activities on the environment focusing on effluent discharges, as well as emissions to the atmosphere from the green houses and plantation areas.


Furthermore, the audit assessed the company’s compliance with the permits/licenses and with national environmental standards and regulations.


The methods that Gissat used to conduct the audit included data collection through the utilization of questionnaires, discussions with senior and technical management, walk-through inspections among others.  The EA serves to enhance environmental and socio-economic values for sustainable development in the country.  Gissat also carried out consultations with key informants and neighboring residents.  The key issues of focus included;

  • Air quality;
  • Workers’ welfare
  • Occupational health and safety;
  • Management of pesticides and fertilizers; and
  • Solid waste and wastewater management;





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